Embracing Love and Destiny: A Heartwarming Tale of a Young Goddess
April Russell April Russell

Embracing Love and Destiny: A Heartwarming Tale of a Young Goddess

Blahom is a 17 year old Zed Goddess of the Hutra Dynasty in the opening of Book 1.

She is an amazing regal, attention grabbing dancer. She is responsible for leading the reknown Dietrickt dance along with 60 other dancers known as the lady sisters and lady mothers. The dance is preformed during a ceremony known as the CCDC ceremony to honor the warriors and the men who are about to go to war, to protect and pray.

Blahom loves dancing and she loves the attention it gives and her status as a Goddess. She adores being adored. She is a big deal and though the word “celebrity” is never used in the book. She is high profile on her planet. Every time she performs the eagerness the Zaed’s to see her would be likened to the excitement of Beyonce’s Renaissance concert.

Blahom does hate some of the extra attention that comes when she simply wants to be regular. The entire Zaed Dynasty and all the Lady Mothers are constantly telling on her every move. Its pretty much the vain of her existence.

She spends most of days trying to figure out who she is. She struggles with accepting that her biggest distraction is probably her own intrigue of boys. She yearns to be part of the life while simultaneously holding up her responsibility.

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