Embracing Love and Destiny: A Heartwarming Tale of a Young Goddess

Hey there, my lovely readers! As the storyteller behind the intriguing journey of a young goddess from the mystical planet Sirius, thank you for joining me in exploring the challenges & triumpphs Blahom faces while discovering her true self and embracing her divine destiny. Among all the hurdles she encounters, there's one that shines brightly - the enchanting dance between love and duty that tugs at her heartstrings and tests her resilience.

Imagine a radiant and powerful young goddess, just like you and me, navigating the complex world of emotions and relationships. She's drawn to the charm and magic of Zaed boys, their affections weaving a spell that distracts her from her divine calling as a celestial dancer now turned warrior. The allure of love threatens to overshadow her path, stirring up doubts and confusion in her journey.

Blahom is a 17 year old Zaed Goddess of the Hutra Dynasty in the opening of Book 1.

She is an amazing regal, attention grabbing dancer. She is responsible for leading the renown Dietrickt dance along with 60 other dancers known as the lady sisters and lady mothers. The dance is performed during a ceremony known as the CCDC ceremony to honor the warriors and the men who are about to go to war, to protect and pray.

Blahom loves dancing and she loves the attention it gives and her status as a Goddess. She adores being adored. She is a big deal and though the word “celebrity” is never used in the book. She is high profile on her planet. Every time she performs the eagerness the Zaed’s to see her would be likened to the excitement of Beyonce’s Renaissance concert.

Blahom does hate some of the extra attention that comes when she simply wants to be regular. The entire Zaed Dynasty and all the Lady Mothers are constantly telling on her every move. Its pretty much the vain of her existence.

Despite her powers, this young goddess is no stranger to the swirling emotions that come with matters of the heart. The clash between her duty to maintain balance and her growing feelings for life outside of the royal palace creates a whirlwind of emotions within her. She's torn between two worlds, trying to find her place amidst her young adult desires and her divine purpose.

She spends most of days trying to figure out who she is. She struggles with accepting that her biggest distraction is probably her own intrigue of boys. She yearns to be part of the life while simultaneously holding up her responsibility.

As the voice behind her tale, I intricately spin the web of her struggles, highlighting the internal battles she faces as she navigates the tricky waters of youth, sisterhood, love and responsibility. The young goddess is at a crossroads, torn between following her heart's desires and staying true to her divine mission.

Through her journey of self-discovery and growth, our young goddess learns that true strength comes from understanding and balancing her desires with the greater good. Love may be powerful, but it shouldn't overshadow her commitment to the universe and her important role in maintaining harmony through her spiritual dance.

In the midst of her challenges, the young goddess emerges as a beacon of resilience and determination, showing us the power of sacrifice in pursuit of a higher calling. As the storyteller of her tale, I warmly invite you to come along on this transformative adventure, where love and destiny intertwine to shape her into the radiant being she's destined to be.


Unveiling Warrior Vasco: A Tale of Love, Loss, and Legacy  and his complex Masculine Energy and Power.


BLAHOM is Coming!